The idea behind Ed. Colonia surged based on artistic occupations, with its origins back in the 1960s along with the Situationist movement. It implies occupying/inhabiting temporarily a site with art.

For the GBTH context, it is not only an adaptation of a format that exists in the physical world, but also provokes the artist to think further inside the proposal using tools available in Second Life.



“What would you leave behind, if you were about to lose yourself?”

As per feedback, this time I’m proposing the occupants of the apartments to answer the question above using the space provided as a base. The question’s interpretation goes according to each artist.  



•  2 groups of inner wall shell rooms (AO and with a planar texture)
  • 1 bathroom
  • 1 living room
  • 1 kitchen
  • 1 bathroom

• corresponding AO textures

• corresponding wireframe textures




    In tandem with the idea of truly exploring all the possibilities in a format, and based on the experience with the first Colonia, we decided to make an inner shell of mesh walls, with optimised UVs to facilitate retexturing the apartment with ease. These mesh walls also have a significantly reduced land impact and baked Ambient Occlusion, to help giving more depth to the space.


    Each participant has 200 prims to use in their apartment. We ask you to be mindful of the use of scripts, as well as light and sounds, so the contents of the apartment don’t “leak” into someone else’s work, guaranteeing also the integrity of your own exhibit.

    You can opt to use a specific EEP at your apartment, and that will be configured through a collision script by the entrance, available for all that accept the experience and use local settings on their viewer (we will provide instructions by the entrance).

    The apartment layout, and how you’ll fill it, is totally up to your discretion. In no way, shape or form, it needs to look like a living space - unless it is part of your concept.

    We will provide the graphic design pieces (poster, wayfinding, etc) as well assist you through the process in case you have any doubts. You’re encouraged to set your artworks for sale if you want, and as always the GBTH won’t take any percentage of it - sales will be made directly through you.

    Please refrain from using copyrighted material of any kind in your apartment.



    This last round of Colonia will be situated in the corner where we currently have the previous round of the same exhibit, as well the Eupalinos Ugajin Occupation. Our plan is to transfer the buildings that are now on the platform down to the ground, and make the adjustments to make it fit, by the end of January/beginning of February.

    We provide the apartment shells beforehand to give you the freedom of working in the privacy of your home/platform, but also there is the option of building here at the GBTH sky. If you decide to build at your own place, I highly recommend keeping the rotation of the shells given to you as is, since it will be on the same coordinates of the buildings (AKA you won’t have to rotate once it is time to rez your work on its final location). But if you decide to build at our plaform, I 

    Once we set up the buildings on the floor, we suggest you take your work in groups by room, making it easier to fit and reposition.

    Ed. Colonia 2.0 (name still to be defined) will be up for visitation for about a year.



    We need all the apartments to be ready and set up by the end of February.
    The exhibition will open in March (exact date yet to be determined).


NOTE: These guidelines exist for management reasons so a proposal this complex can become reality.