Throughout the preparation of each exhibition we as curators have many conversations, critiques, and contemplations of the virtual curatorial process. Now more than ever it is paramount to be communicating freely and working towards bolstering and empowering each other. The GBTH Magazine will be a weekly series of conversations, insights, critiques, and skill-sharing that we hope will inspire, surprise, and provide space for contemplation alongside our journey.
When the pandemic started, it caught all of us unaware, and for us it didn’t feel right to force ourselves mentally into trying to make new exhibitions involving artists from around the globe in different realities and working with deadlines and points that are important for us content-wise. We also didn’t want to host purely decorative or technical works of any kind that are out of context, because we feel innately that politics are always embedded into our work, even if diluted and non-mentioned.
Now, during global variance in second, third peaks of Covid-19, every nation on Earth is grappling with this unprecedented situation. That being said, since we all unfortunately steeped in the intensity, we feel a bit more secure approaching this subject. Further, to review our positioning as an art gallery/incubator in Second Life, in times where virtual content is in such high demand.
Now more than ever, unlearning taught harmful behaviour, or actions that hold ourselves and our communities back is so important. This work takes serious time and effort, and we believe harm, racism, and separatism has seeped into countless social and creative spaces. With this in mind, we would like to facilitate a talking space to reinforce breaking barriers and allowing transparent sharing of that which we are most passionate about, celebrating the creative expression of artists in and outside of the grid. We believe a more horizontal arts community is so important right now, one that is malleable and not based in popularity or clout, rather selflessly facilitating meaningful and timely immersive experiences and art installations.
When the pandemic started, it caught all of us unaware, and for us it didn’t feel right to force ourselves mentally into trying to make new exhibitions involving artists from around the globe in different realities and working with deadlines and points that are important for us content-wise. We also didn’t want to host purely decorative or technical works of any kind that are out of context, because we feel innately that politics are always embedded into our work, even if diluted and non-mentioned.
Now, during global variance in second, third peaks of Covid-19, every nation on Earth is grappling with this unprecedented situation. That being said, since we all unfortunately steeped in the intensity, we feel a bit more secure approaching this subject. Further, to review our positioning as an art gallery/incubator in Second Life, in times where virtual content is in such high demand.
Now more than ever, unlearning taught harmful behaviour, or actions that hold ourselves and our communities back is so important. This work takes serious time and effort, and we believe harm, racism, and separatism has seeped into countless social and creative spaces. With this in mind, we would like to facilitate a talking space to reinforce breaking barriers and allowing transparent sharing of that which we are most passionate about, celebrating the creative expression of artists in and outside of the grid. We believe a more horizontal arts community is so important right now, one that is malleable and not based in popularity or clout, rather selflessly facilitating meaningful and timely immersive experiences and art installations.
Viewable at the GBTH currently is:
“Chuanghu (Windows)” – Fiona Fei (fionafei),
“Swallow” – Vincent Priesley (sweetvincent),
“Inferno” – Noke Yuitza (noke.yuitza),
“They: Duality of Love” – GBTH x RB,
“Sabotaged Memory” – Marina Münter (vivresavie) & Smoopa Spinotti (smoopa.spinotti),
“Real Problems” – Tommy Bruce (atmusdeer)
“New Years Eve” – Amanda (aht1981)
“Non-Perishable” – Marina Münter (vivresavie)