Sep. 2022

For the past five years, GBTH has been an incredible project. I wholeheartedly embraced and invested all my time, money and energy in it. Understanding Second Life as a creative platform - and how we could push it to create content relevant to the talks happening in the physical world - was my main goal.
With over 40 exhibitions, I have worked with artists from all over the world, with different backgrounds, styles, skillsets and approaches.. It has been an incredibly rich experience, in which I had the chance to understand what each artist had in mind and work with them in finding the tools available on the grid that would better enhance their process.
The different formats were also important in this big project, because they allowed residents to engage in collective activities that would seem less intimidating than occupying a whole space on their own. The exercise of sharing space with others, and keeping in mind that they were part of a bigger proposal, where everything had a reason to be, and the constraints were there just to make the final result possible.
A project needs to have a beginning, development and conclusion. I think in these five years GBTH managed to achieve its goal by example - it IS possible to use Second Life as a creative platform and develop the most outstanding exhibitions with its community. I reached burnout quite a few times, and it would be impossible to continue for five more years in the same rhythm. It is time to conclude this project and reformulate GBTH so it can continue to thrive for another five years and beyond as an art incubator in Second Life.
Therefore, I will close GBTH for the next month or so in order to make these changes. We will be having a last round of our collective 3D exhibition - a collaboration with Rachel Breaker, so please lookout for group notices.
Meanwhile, you can visit The Vordun Museum and Gallery, where yours truly joined the team as a curator and worked alongside Jake in an exciting exhibition about Italian artist Artemisia Gentileschi, who is believed to be the first female artist to make a living from her work.
See you very soon,
Marina Münter